
शाळा पुराण

 शाळा पुराण... अथपासून इतिपर्यंत   मागच्या आठवड्यात, लेकीच्या शाळेत निरोप समारंभ होता. आणि त्याची लगबग तर किती.. काळी ट्रेण्डी साडी (ती काकूबाई जरीसरी ची नाही हा) ब्लॉउज, केशरचना आणि काय काय..तीन वर्षांची गोंडस चिमुरडी ते दहावी कित्ती मोठा काळ शाळेत व्यतीत झाला.. तिचा आणि त्या अनुषंगानी आमचाही.. तेरा वर्ष एकाच शाळेत तिच्या बरोबरचे अनेक सवंगडी एकमेकांबरोबर शिकत भांडत मस्ती करत मोठी होत आता एकदम साड्यामध्ये मुली आणि टाय ब्लेझर मधली एकदम मोठी झालेली मुलं आयुष्याच्या एका मुख्य टप्प्यावर उभे आहेत. का कोण जाणे मन अगदी हळवं झालं आणि अगदी स्वैरपणे भूतकाळात चक्कर मारून आलं. कित्ती कित्ती त्या आठवणी..  ह्या अश्या नर्सरी ते दहावी प्रवासाची सुरुवात तर फार फार मजेशीर आहे बरका...  तर २०१० चा नोव्हेंबर डिसेंबर महिना.. सगळीकडे शाळेच्या ऍडमिशनचे फॉर्म मिळण्याची लगबग.. काही शाळेत तर पहाटे पहाटे ४ - ४. ३० वाजल्यापासून कुडकुडणाऱ्या थंडीत (पूर्वीच पुणे राहिला नाही हो आता 😜)लाईन मध्ये उभे राहून फॉर्म मिळण्याचे ते दिवस.. तेव्हा इंटरनॅशनल स्कूल्स CBSE / ICSE ची कोथरूड मध्ये तरी चलती नसलेले दिवस. घराजवळच्या ४

कृष्णार्पणमस्तु ... १

कृष्णार्पणमस्तु ... १ मध्यंतरी डॉ सुनील साठेंच एक भाषण ऐकलं. इतका मोठा हृदयरोगतज्ज्ञ आणि अध्यात्मिक बाजाचं ते भाषण. Food for Thought सुप्रसिद्ध हृदय रोग तज्ञ डॉ सुनील साठे *Science & spirituality* . त्यात ते सांगतात त्यांना कोणीतरी एक महात्मा भेटला आणि त्यांनी रोज डॉ. ना संध्याकाळी दिवसभर हातून घडलेलं बरं वाईट सगळं देवाला अर्पण करण्यास सांगतात अश्या विषयाचा तो विडिओ होता...तो विडिओ बघितला आणि डोक्यात विचारांचं काहूर माजलं. आणि आजकाल च्या कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्तेच्या {आर्टीफिसिअल इंटेलेजेस (AI) युगात  YouTube  तश्याच विषयाचे अनेक विडिओ सुचवू लागली.. अगदी BK शिवानीच्या  breaking the cycle of negative exchanges, श्री श्री रविशंकर Don't carry the baggage of past अशी सगळ्यांची भाषणे पाहिल्यावर लक्षात आले खरंच कित्ती कित्ती गोष्टी साठवून ठेवल्या आहेत आपणपण मनात. हे मन पण काही अजब रसायनांनी बनलेले असतं, नकारात्मक भावना आणि आठवणींचाच जास्त संचय करत जात...  सनातन धर्मामध्ये तर सांगितलंच गेलंय ... कृष्णार्पणमस्तु ...पण आपण खरंच वागतो सनातन्या सारखं ?? हे सगळं ऐकत असतानाच The Sustainable Devel

Ba Na Hills - Old French village , Golden Bridge , Sunworld Amusement Park

Day 2 in Da Nang, Vietnam Ba Na Hills (My mountain) - Old French colony , Golden Bridge , Sunworld Amusement Park (Resort and recreational complex) - Completely Touristy Destination  Ba na Hill Official Website  here is the link of the official website, where in you can get information about the destination, charges, timings etc. It has cable car, hill station, The World famous Golden bridge - architectural wonder, Old French village, amusement park, Buddha Statue, Flower park, and resort. So in all it is a combination of Nature, architecture, culture, spirituality and cuisine.  Ba na Hills - Entrance was approximately 40km - 1.5 hrs away from the Hotel Eden Ocean View, where we stayed. We checked out from the hotel around 8am after breakfast, loaded the luggage in the luggage cabin of bus, as we had a domestic flight to catch in the evening from Da Nang Airport to Hanoi- Capital of Vietnam.  There is an attractive lobby at the foot of the hills... From here, we have to go by cable car

Hoi An - An ancient Town

We started from Marble mountain  at 5.30pm to reach Hoi An by 6pm. Sunset in Da nang was approximately at 5.30pm odd, so it was already dark. The most part of road from Marble mountain to Hoi An is parallel to coast line and beaches.  Photo credits -  Google maps Hoi An -  ancient town (formerly known as Fai-Fo) dating back to 15th centrury, the Chinese, French, Japanese traders and merchants settling here and building unique town.This is a Unesco heritage ancient town. The famous wooden bridge by Japanese architect (even though very small) and  Ancestral houses are the beauty of town. Upon reaching, we had a traditional Vietnamese dinner, (Here people have there dinner very early, near to sunset, and breakfast at 6.30-7am in the morning. They are early risers and that's the reason everyone was happy fit and slim.)  Yellow and brown colour houses/ shops maintaining uniformity along the road, the river, boating, shopping bamboo soveniers, conical hats (You need to bargain a lot, the

Da Nang -“Mouth/ opening of the river” - Sea Food Paradise..

Da Nang - Day 1 in Vietnam  Da nang Airport We boarded Vietjet flight from Ahmedabad to Da Nang on 24th Dec 2022 at 10pm. We arrived at Da nang International airport early in the morning approximately at  5am. Vietname is 1.5 hrs ahead of India. Arrival area was crowded as two flights from India arrived almost same time, one from Ahmedabad and other from Delhi. There were long queqes for immigration check.  Immigration -  A valid passport with E-visa were the two important documents to show and get passport stamped. It took almost 45minutes to get our turn. Entry port must be same as mentioned in the E-Visa or else it can be troublesome.  Baggage - After immigration check, we went ahead towards, baggage claim, Free trolleys can be easily found nearby the baggage carousels. There was no display of the belt on which the baggage will be delivered, but luckily only one belt was running and we could find our baggage in no time.  Customs -  After collecting baggage was the Customs. As we had